

Mate Heitia

Ko Ngati Pukeko, Ngati Awa, Ngai te Rangi, Te Whanau a Apanui, Ngaitai me Tuwharetoa ki Kawerau nga iwi.
Ko Mataatua, Tainui me Te Arawa nga waka.
R.E.K.A Founder and R.E.K.A Trust Chairperson.
Mate created R.E.K.A and manages all our business.
She also delivers the healthy eating and wellness workshops
and is the first point of contact for all our projects in marae, early childhood centres and schools.
Sonny Heitia
Ko Ngati Mahanga, Ngati Tahinga, Nga Puhi, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kuri nga iwi.
Ko Tainui me Ngatokimatawhaorua nga waka.
R.E.K.A Trustee
Sonny is our expert in Te Ao Maori and construction of the Raised Garden Boxes.

Lawrence Pook

Ko Ngati Tahu, Ngati Whaoa, Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Kohera, Ngati Tuwharetoa, Ngati Toa. nga iwi
Ko .manunui a rangi, Tainui, Te Arawa nga waka
R.E.K.A Trustee
Law is our maara kai and food production expert.

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