

Over the weekend Reka trust built four new no dig garden boxes, For the Whanau of Rangataua marae in Whakatane over a period of two days. They were built using found materials and pallets and we used compost and soil from the local area at a minimal cost. 
Sonny is measuring and cutting the pallets to size

cut up pallets ready to construct a no dig garden box

composted grass clippings and old dried flax. Awesome plant food.
Nitrogen and carbon layers in the form of grass clippings and dry flax.

Layering the box with carbon and nitrogen.

Lining the inside of the boxes for longevity
 final layer of top soil place over the compost and mulch layers

Relaxing after a good weekends work
New seedlings planted out

Herb bushes in the tyres so no one can mow over them.

completed garden boxes

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